Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Email Personalization Practices to Boost Conversion Rate

Use email personalization to get higher user engagement.
Convert more customers
Every internet user like personalization. If so, why not to use Email Personalization to boost click rate, hence make more profit.

Recent studies reported that only 5% of companies do use email personalization, while 94% of them stated that it's critical for their business.

Let's make use of personalized marketing to get customers to buy our products. How? Read further to find out.

Initially, we all had funny-sounding e-mails that were very similar to our usernames. However, we can’t be young and reckless our entire life, which is why the majority of us changes e-mails and the reasons for change can be very different.

Some people deem necessary to change their e-mails for work, so that they sound more professional, others do it just cause they don’t like the previous childish one. E-mail has become the integral part of our digital life. Practically, every website and service requires you to sing up or login, using your valid e-mail.

Therefore, it is only natural that due to the general change in the role of the e-mail, marketing strategies, connected to the e-mails were also bound to change. No matter whether you are a startup or have a well-established business, the huge impact of successful email marketing strategy cannot be underestimated, especially if we’re talking about the conversion rate.

Just imagine how embarrassing it will be to have the necessity to explain everyone that you’ve lost customers because you’ve ignored the new trends in e-mail marketing. People like to be treated personally and that is the main feature that marketologists need to exploit.

1. Personalized e-mails are the key for building strong ties with your clients
Chart showing that personalized emails increase click rates.

Always keep in mind that not all e-mails in marketing are directed on profit generation. If you see that a user has signed-up for updates, it means he finds the information on your website to be valuable, but not because you cram advertisement in it.

E-mails with notifications about useful content, unrelated to sales can help you build trusting relationships with your clients. You need to analyze what they like and send them the information accordingly.

If they see that you aren’t just pushing your products or services, but instead care about their preferences and want to supply something useful free of charge, they will be much more inclined to read those of your e-mails that do contain sales-related info.

Let’s see an example: you have a car dealership and also a blog related to automobiles, where you upload interesting info and news. If you send all your users info or updates regarding both of them – some of them will most likely unsubscribe, because the 2nd part of the e-mail will not be interesting for them. Some of the users just want to read your blog and will gladly find out if you have any updates, new articles and so on.

Other part of the users are only interested in cars and are awaiting news regarding new models that are expected to be in stock in your dealership. Therefore, it is crucial to divide these two categories and send them e-mails of the separate nature. Eventually both categories will browse your blog and dealership website and generate traffic.

2. A couple of personalized e-mails a week can secure a lot of long term clients;

Some companies believe that constant daily notifications for their clients will generate sales. However, they couldn’t be more wrong. Daily e-mails can actually be a way to get yourself unsubscribed from. It’s simply too much. No one wants to receive daily e-mails from a business, it’s annoying and utterly unnecessary. E-mails like this are often marked as spam. One or two e-mails per week will be more than enough.

You simply need to make sure that they are qualitative and provide useful information. Content you include in your e-mails must be intriguing, not just sales-related. For instance, if you have a big sale coming up – don’t send your customers the remainders every day. One e-mail before the sale starts and one, while it’s in progress will be more than enough. These sales notifications must be a pleasant surprise, not a tiresome nuisance.
An example of personalized email to customers

3. Personal follow-up e-mails must be sent out at the right time 

Follow-up e-mails are a great way to return users to the website or re-ignite their interest, especially if they couldn’t accomplish the purchase because they’ve experienced problem in the shopping cart
Picture showing to always follow up your customers.
section. Nevertheless, timing of such e-mails must be thoroughly studied.

For example, in case user intends to buy an item, but had a problem and abandoned the page – quick follow-up e-mail can return him to the page.

But, if the follow-up e-mail is sent right after your journey ended, or you got out of the theater and the company that sold you tickets instantly asks if everything was up to your liking.

You didn't have the time to collect your thoughts after the experience and yet you need to reply. Such e-mails are perceived as a nuisance and cannot be regarded as something positive.

As a part of internet marketingEmail Personalization is indeed a great way to get your customers engaged in what you sell or do. Pay attention to data about your users you can collect and how you can make use of it. Don't delay too much. Start today to send personalized emails: it's simpler and easier than you can imagine.

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