Thursday, November 5, 2015

Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid when Promoting Your Business

Avoid these Facebook marketing mistakes It’s not a secret that every well-established company or startup tries to promote itself on Facebook – the biggest social network in the world. It’s quite understandable, since every marketing strategy relies at least a bit on social media. We acknowledge its power, that's why today we want to focus on Facebook marketing mistakes social managers have to avoid.

The content, posted in Facebook posts of such companies can be extremely different, starting with press-releases and brand news and concluding with useful tips, professional pieces of information regarding industry, guides and so on.

Everyone tries to capture the attention of the audience, but methods of doing so can be various – suitable and acceptable or tacky and utterly irritating for the general public or your target audience. When making your post you must be extremely attentive to its every detail. A simple typo can snowball into a huge misunderstanding and significant loss in conversion.

Below we’ll describe seven widespread Facebook marketing mistakes that are most frequently committed by the companies of various size, advertising themselves on this platform.

  • Automatic replies to user’s comments

Currently, when it’s all about humanized interaction, using robots on Facebook is very bad for business. By doing so you can run into extremely unpleasant situations, for example if someone praises your service, product, but you’ve set your automatic replies to be apologetic, saying: “We’re awfully sorry for inconvenience. Would you be so kind to provide more info on the problem, by contacting us …” Such approach is going to cost you many followers or potential clients. It’s good and productive to be prepared for negative reviews (it’s inevitable), however, you need to put a real person to this job.

Attentive and soft-spoken customer support representative will write a stellar gratitude message and will be able to deal with negative review in the most productive way, turning bad review into the good publicity.

  • Removing comments/posts

Do you want to lose followers and clients? Because that’s how you do it. Removing negative posts or comments from your page is one of the Facebook marketing mistakes that scare your fans. You need to deal with situation instead а closing your eyes and pretending that it never happened.

Such behavior will cause outrage and irritation among your followers and clients. Nevertheless, bad situation can be turned to golden publicity if you choose to approach the problem creatively and positively.

Sure, answering the uncomfortable questions is no picnic, but if you offer a compensation or considerable discount on your services – you will gain more followers and customers, instead of loosing them.

Companies, tested by difficult situations seem to be more reliable than those, who never had any issues. It happens because if your potential clients know that you take good care of your customers – they will be much more likely to convert.

  • Importunity is not a good choice

While planning your Facebook content strategy, you need to make sure that the content you're posting is not boring or too pushy. Always place yourself in the shoes of your followers and potential clients – would you like to receive a notification every day or even several times per day? Probably not. Companies that send this many, get unsubscribed from. Don't say you haven't been warned about this Facebook marketing mistake!

Your content must be useful in some way and relevant to the targeted audience. Simple news about the awesomeness of your brand get deleted right away. Be useful and relative – don't be pushy and boastful in the content you're sending to your followers.

  • Thoughtfulness is obligatory

Remember that the content you’re sending can be seen by any group of people worldwide.Therefore, be extremely careful and cautious with the things you write. It must not offend people of any race, age, sex, ethnicity and so on.

Even if the target audience is located in one country and you wish to promote your business by posting funny jokes, don’t make them at the expense of other ethnicities or people of different race. It will not reflect well on you. Despite the fact that you will most certainly get a couple of likes from inconsiderate people, the majority will find it repulsive.

  • #Hashtag Overuse

The option of using hashtags has appeared on Facebook only recently, but many companies have already exploited this new and exciting opportunity and even went crazy with it.

Don’t do it. Research shows that the best amount of hashtags per post is 1 or 2. Any number of hashtags above that will only decrease user’s interaction with your post. Great number of hashtags will make you look needy and desperate for attention. Who likes desperate? No one – that’s for sure. Use hashtags, but don’t overdo it.
More than 3 hashtags leads to less interaction on Facebook

  • Making bad jokes

Humor is great when it’s subtle and original, otherwise it can turn into one of the biggest Facebook marketing mistakes. Your brand will be associated with something positive and more users will deem it “cool” or up-to-date. That will be the case if your humor is funny and considerate.

Subtlety must be a priority, because if you’re not subtle somebody will get offended. Getting a mass outrage is not something that you would want to deal with. Bad rep travels with the speed of light across multiple social media.

Last in our Facebook marketing mistakes list, but not last in importance

  • Begging for likes

In digital world, begging is even more pathetic than in the real one. If you choose to go this way, consider your business doomed. You might as well stay near the imaginary digital road with a sign “Please, please, please – Like me”.

Earn your likes with strong content, effective marketing strategy, useful information, don’t just ask for it. The last thing you want is for your brand to be considered pathetic and hashtagged #youdoingitwrong

Now that you know all these Facebook marketing mistakes, why not tell us which of these errors you have admitted till now? Or if there are others you have noticed while using Facebook for business, please share with us!

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