Showing posts with label graphic design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphic design. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Print Design Tips for Begginers

Print design, as web design, is a field that requires creativity and attention to details and different features you want to use in your materials. Whether it is about newspaper, manuals, prints, posters, restaurant menus, and business cards and so on, correcting an error on a print material calls for additional expenses.

There are certain things that need to be done first, before embarking on a new graphic design project. You need to identify all requirements and the purpose of the project. Also, you need to decide whether your project will concentrate on images or whether will include text. Another important thing is to determine whether the project will be single-filed or a brochure with more pages.

Before starting working on the project, ask your client the following questions:

  • What is the size of the final print document?
  • What color does his/her project associate with?

These two answers will provide you with a starting point and will set some limits in terms of usability of color palette and final file size.

It is known that every print designer has his own working approach, but there are several basic tricks and tips which, once mastered, will make the entire work a piece of cake.
Print Design Tips for Begginers

Here are most important printing design tips every beginner have to stick with:

Paper size

Although the good old A4 size of the print material is standard in printing, don’t let yourself be caught in the standardized threads. You can always play with sizes, namely that smaller A5 paper size is much more comfortable to handle and take with you.

Content matters

If you are dealing with a text-based print design remember to concentrate on content. And make sure that the text you incorporate in the graphic design is readable.

Remember the bleed

Bleed is the element that allows the printable file to be cropped according to its correct size. This element gives the cropping some room for error. Usually, a 3mm bleed is a safe standard to work with.


Don’t just jump and use the first font you like. Take time to analyze the message and voice you want to send with the font you use. Think about the best way to communicate it to your target audience. You can also mix and match several fonts, but in this case you need to be extremely careful to make sure that several mixed fonts go hand in hand.

Color, color, color

We’ve already said that you need to check the color palette with your client. But, if you think that the color he chooses doesn’t suit the print design project you are working on, don’t be afraid to let him know and bring strong arguments to stand your ground.

Related: Designing a Brand Identity in Few Steps

Photographic content

High quality image makes a big deal in printing. If you have good resolution photography to work with your final result will be outstanding. Therefore, tell the client that high resolution and quality of the photograph will mirror the print design output.


Print graphic design might seem tricky, but it is something that will always be on demand. Printed material is a more personal approach of the companies that they use for marketing campaigns, and not only. People usually are keener to trust information that they can physically touch, rather than just read on a screen.

Do you want to share other tips that you make use of when creating your own design for print? Leave a message in the comments section below.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Designing a Brand Identity in Few Steps

Company identity design advices So, you have decided to launch a business, a new product or service and you need to come up with a “how to make it appealing and attract more customers” strategy. And although it might seem difficult, with relevant tips you can take on the task of designing a brand identity that will set you apart from the competition.

Set the strategy.Creating a new identity is important in making your business kick off hugely successful.

Identify the mission and values that you want your brand to address and make them your priority for the strategy.

Know who you are branding for.Before even starting drawing a faint line on paper, ask yourself who you are trying to reach with your brand design. Make a thorough research of what people’s expectations are related to businesses, products and services you want to offer. Social background, education, marital status and age are factors to consider if you want your branding question to be answered. You can also check out your competitors’ targeted audience reaction through their feedback and testimonials.

You may be interested in the following related posts:

Identify visual elements that will communicate with your customers.The visual elements you use, such as words,colors, and even fonts will speak on your behalf. Choose the words carefully. They will explain who you are, what you are doing and what your goals are.

Color is the visual element with deep psychological connotations. If you don't which color to use for you logo design, click teh text to find teh answer. And typography is a graphic design trick that makes your business look polished and visually attractive. Once you’ve identified all these elements, use them consistently in your marketing materials.

Designing Brand Identity Tips

Examine other brand identity designs

Cast a glimpse at your competition. Look at your competition, see what message ther are trying to convey, check what colors and other visual features they are using and the effect they have on their customers. Once you have a big picture, all you want to do is find the personal direction that will make you easily identifiable and memorable.

Get the“special” in your brand business or product. If the special element is not identified from the beginning, you risk misconnecting with the people you are developing the brand identity for. Don’t miss on getting this thing right, and you will always have an ace up your sleeve.


Follow these tips for designing a brand identity that will be identifiable with your mission and values and that will make you recognizable from the multitude of businesses, products and services that emerge on the market every day.

Let us know in the comments below, what you think about these brand identiy designing tips and whether you have one that can be added to the list.

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